Buzzsprout Weekly
A weekly roundup of podcast industry news and updates from the Buzzsprout team! Each episode aims at making podcasters successful with tips, tech reviews, upcoming events, and links to content aimed at making new and seasoned podcasters successful.
Buzzsprout Weekly
Create Custom Mid-Roll Locations
Send a question for 'Ask Megan'
Hey Podcasters! This week, we're introducing a feature that makes it easier to customize and fine-tune your episodes.
You can now create custom mid-roll locations for Buzzsprout Ads and Dynamic Content!
Get Connected
Ask Megan
"Hi Megan! I am looking for a new podcast that can teach me about podcasting. Do you have any recommendations?"
You can see a full list of the Best Podcasts about Podcasting on our blog!
Have a question for Megan? Send a text!
That's all for this week! Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!