Buzzsprout Weekly
A weekly roundup of podcast industry news and updates from the Buzzsprout team! Each episode aims at making podcasters successful with tips, tech reviews, upcoming events, and links to content aimed at making new and seasoned podcasters successful.
Buzzsprout Weekly
Take Full Control of Your Mid-Rolls!
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Hey Podcasters! This week, we're taking a look at how you can make sure your ads are perfectly placed, every time.
In the latest episode of Buzzcast, the team takes a look at custom mid-roll placements, the role podcasts play in politics, and AI-generated true crime shows.
Listen wherever you get your podcasts and text us what you think!
Industry Insights
- Apple Podcasts Adds New Transcript Languages
- Spotify Releases New Feature to Access Podcasts Offline
Get Connected
Ask Megan
"I am new to podcasting and trying to edit on my Mac. Is GarageBand okay to use?"
We break down everything you need to know about editing a podcast in GarageBand on our blog: GarageBand Tutorial for Podcasters.
Have a question for Megan? Send a text!
That's all for this week! Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!