Buzzsprout Weekly
A weekly roundup of podcast industry news and updates from the Buzzsprout team! Each episode aims at making podcasters successful with tips, tech reviews, upcoming events, and links to content aimed at making new and seasoned podcasters successful.
Buzzsprout Weekly
The Five Mistakes That Lose Listeners
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Hey Podcasters! Could small missteps be holding your show back?
In the latest episode of Buzzcast, the team takes a look at common pitfalls that even seasoned creators face—and how to avoid them.
Industry Insights
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Ask Megan
"I'm a one person team. How can I save time editing my audio?"
If you're looking to save time editing your audio, Magic Mastering is my number one recommendation!
Have a question for Megan? Send a text!
That's all for this week! Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!